
About Ultrasound

Ultrasound uses sound waves at high frequencies, to produce images of the structures of various parts of the body. The images produced by ultrasound allow doctors to “see” details of the soft tissue inside the body. Hence ultrasound images provide a valuable diagnostic tool for doctors to find the source of diseases as well as direct treatment for a variety of diseases and conditions.

How to prepare for an Ultrasound >


What is Ultrasound for?

Doctors use ultrasound to assess conditions involving organs in the abdomen area, heart and blood vessels; or to evaluate pain, swelling and infection of internal organs.

For example scans are used to examine the liver, kidneys and other organs in the abdomen, or tissues that can be assessed with an external scan, such as muscles and joints.

Ultrasound is also used to guide certain procedures such as biopsies.

How to prepare for an Ultrasound >